
Barichello chcel Schumachera vidieť, jeden telefonát všetko zmenil: Massa dodržal sľub

FILE - In this Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012 file photo, former Mercedes F1 driver Michael Schumacher of Germany pauses during a news conference to announce his retirement from Formula One at the end of  2012  in Suzuka, Japan.  Former Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher has left hospital to continue his recovery at home, his manager said Tuesday. The seven-time champion suffered a serious head injury while skiing in France in December, resulting in him being put in a coma. (AP Photo/Shizuo K

Zdroj: TASR/AP



Už je to 10 rokov od tragickej lyžiarskej nehody Michaela Schumachera, ktorá sa legende F1 prihodila v Meribele. Nemecký jazdec po nej upadol do dlhotrvajúcej 250-dňovej kómy.



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